Like a lot of things in the FLOSS world, where information resources
tend to get out of sync over time, there is a degree of interpretation

First, read the section on rejecting bugs on the page
<> then read the comments re
wishlist on <>

The difference between a bug report that is accepted as a wishlist item
and a bug report that is rejected as requiring a specification can come
down to how much work is involved, and how different - or not different
- that work is from what we've done before.

In this case, including firmware probably is a simple wishlist item,
since the kernel devs know how to do this: it probably - probably -
won't be a lot of work. If it is a lot of work or very different from
the usual firmware inclusion work or if the firmware has an
inappropriate license, then the request will probably be rejected. In
which case, a spec or the new packages request page are the more likely
way to go.

Of course, in the end, processes get adjusted and refined as we learn
what works well and what works less well.

firmware for freecom DVB-T usb stick

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