Aurelien Naldi writes ("[Bug 75681] Re: initramfs script: race condition 
between sata and md"):
> The first boot went fine. The next one hanged. And the next one went
> also fine.  For all of them, I get the message "no devices listed in
> cinf file were found" but it looks harmless.  I do not know were the
> second one hanged so it may be unrelated, but it was before mounting
> /

When one of the boots hangs, can you please wait for it to time out (3
minutes by default, though IIRC you can adjust this by saying
ROOTWAIT=<some-number-of-seconds>) and then when you get the initramfs
prompt try

1. Check that
     cat /proc/partitions
   lists all of the components of your array.  If not, then we need to
   understand why not.  What are those components ?  You will probably
   find that it does not list the array itself.  If it does then we
   need to understand why it doesn't seem to be able to mount it.

2. Run
     /scripts/local-top/mdadm from-udev
   (NB `from-udev' is an argument you must pass to the script)
   and see if it fixes it.  (If so it will show up in /proc/partitions
   and be mountable.)

3. If that doesn't fix it, see if
     mdadm -As --no-degraded
   fixes it.


initramfs script: race condition between sata and md

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