
As you might guess, I graduated from Towson University, and I recently
learned that it has started to consider whether and when to switch to
We all know that Vista requires new hardware and as far as I know, they
just bought new computers from Dell... And I cannot see why an
educational institution would want to switch to Vista so early, which
doesn't bring anything new to the table but eye candy... So I find it a
little foolish what they're doing...

At first, I wanted to contact them and advise them to switch to Linux,
but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't take me seriously.

Towson University is part of the Maryland University system, and if
Ubuntu were to enter Towson, it could function as a nice gate into the
broader system, including schools like College Park and UMBC.

This would also be a perfect implementation for institutional-

This sounds more like an utopia to me, but what if Canonical and / or
Ubuntu's marketing team contacts them? Would that be possible?

Thanks a lot for considering

* Administration and Finance: http://wwwnew.towson.edu/adminfinance/
* Office of Technology Services:


[2] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/institutional-linux

Microsoft has a majority market share

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