What freedoms do the Firefox terms curtail, in comparison to other free
packages? For example, MySQL Query Browser icons are subject to MySQL's
trademark policy, which restricts rights in several ways.


Of particular interest is section 4c:

C. Trademarks and the GPL License.

The GNU General Public License (the "GPL") is one of the ways by which
MySQL AB distributes the MySQL server. The GPL permits third parties to
use and redistribute the underlying software under certain
circumstances. Such use and/or redistribution of MySQL AB software
products are much welcomed by MySQL AB, but should be distinguished from
the use of the MySQL Marks. <b>The GPL does not provide any license or
right to use any MySQL AB Mark in any form or media.</b> Thus, although
a GPL licensee may redistribute the underlying software, a GPL licensee
may not use any MySQL AB Mark in doing so without the express prior
written permission of MySQL AB. Otherwise, users could be misled into
thinking that revisions made by a GPL licensee were created or endorsed
by MySQL AB, or that those revisions met the quality control standards
of MySQL AB.

Some components are non-free

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