It would be nice to have someone else confirm this.  This is how I built
my kernel.  I'm almost certain there are easier ways, but this is how I
did it.

% apt-get source linux-source-2.6.17
% cd linux-source-2.6.17-
% cat /path/to/pvr-150-radio-output.patch | patch -p1 --dry-run
% cat /path/to/pvr-150-radio-output.patch | patch -p1
% fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -b -nc
.... wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!!!! ....
.... eventually end up with a linux-image-2.6.17-10-386_2.6.17.1-10.34_i386.deb 
package that has the patch applied....

You can install that package, but rather than do all that just to
replace one file, I found the compiled module file at


in the source/build directory and replaced the non-working tuner.ko
(located at
/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-386/kernel/drivers/media/video/tuner.ko) with the
patched version of tuner.ko.  Unload the ivtv and tuner modules, then
reload the ivtv module.  The first time I just tried loading the tuner
module, but the tuner type didn't get set correctly.  Having the ivtv
module load the tuner made it set the tuner correctly.  After patching
and replacing tuner.ko, I am able to use the ivtv-radio program from the
ivtv source (compiled when the ivtv.ko module was compiled) to tune
radio stations by executing "ivtv-radio -f {frequency}".

Hope that description helps.  And, if someone has an easier way to
compile the kernel with all the same patches and configuration that the
original kernel has, please let me know.

[Edgy PATCH] Radio on PVR-150 outputs only noise.

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