I've got the same problem as related in the first post in amarok on
kubuntu Edgy 6.10:

"I have followed all of the guides (including this guide here:
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats) for enabling MP3
support in Amarok - and when I try to play and MP3 file Amarok offers to
enable MP3 support - but after offering to do so when I click on "yes"
it crashes and MP3 support is not enabled. I also tried following the
manual guide on the Wiki for enabling MP3 support in Amarok/Kaffeine but
still to no effect. I installed (and reinstalled) libxine-extracodecs
and was still unsuccessful in enabling MP3 support. I have tried
upgrading and downgrading both Kaffeine and Amarok - but again to no
effect. I also have the latests Win32 codecs installed."

I've tried too to erase the .amarok folder in home, and still no luck

It's sad, i installed edgy to a friend and we don't know how to fix
this. How could i know what's happening? How can i get error logs and
then post them here?

MP3 Support is Broken In Feisty

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