Yes, 'ominstallerade' means reinstalled -- as in 'aptitude reinstall' .

And yes, they are only warning messages, but they warn me that Hearbeat
did not start (or rather they did in previous dists). And since
evmsn/evmsgui gives me an error #19 on setup_evms_plugin() in Linux_HA,
I assume that EVMS does not work properly, but maybe I'm wrong?

Most other packages install default configs, or assist in making them,
so that the program will at least start properly, shouldn't Heartbeat do
that too? I've tried to copy the files mentioned in the README to
/etc/ha.d/, but no go; then I get all kinds of other errors/warnings.

Have you tried a live install in order to try to reproduce the error?

Heartbeat not configured: /etc/ha.d/ not found. Heartbeat failure [rc=1]. 

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