>  (a) the wifi switching is handled in hardware already

on my laptop, in addition to sending a keycode it "turns on/off" the
wireless, but this is not particularly useful unless you have some
script constantly watching for it (It's not switched on/off in a way
which is hotplug compatible) and then "ifupping" the interface. it
doesn't work right with ifplugd anyway, as it doesn't "detect" when it
is on. ifplugd will happily ifdown it though.

> (b) We don't have anything 'standard' to map them to
>Did you map the key to anything, or just leave it as is?

I forgot to mention that in my last message but i show it in the initial
report. I mapped them to F13 and F14. I realise this isn't ideal, but as
you pointed out there is nothing standard to map them to.

Add keycodes for wireless button on Acer Travelmate 8100

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