Is dmraid -s saying the stripe factor is 64k, or 64 sectors?  I thought 
it showed it in sectors, which would indeed be correct for 32k.  If it 
is actually wrong, then try dumping the metadata and posting it to the 
dmraid mailing list ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) and the developers might 
be able to fix it.  I had a similar problem initially that was fixed in 
this way.

beastly wrote:
> Howdy.  On your advice I tried out Ubuntu.  Who knew? It's pretty cool.
> Alas, my Nvidia raid0 array done in windows doesn't seem to detect
> stripe size correctly.  F10 on the bios (Asus a8n-sli for those who
> care) reports that yes, indeed, stripe size is set to 32k, but dmraid -s
> detects 64.  Sure enough, it won't work, mount, fdisk, etc...
> Is there a way to reset to manual settings? Hard-enter 32k? 
> Am I missing the point? :)

missing dmraid support needed to access SATA raids

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