No, there's no reason for not applying the patch, IMHO it's clear and
safe enough to me (without being a developer/packager of that



2007/1/21, Constantine Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Denis, Jonh just said that two comments ago, and the status is Fix
> Released. Also, I think it is safe to assume that people here know how
> to use apt.
> As for the patch, I agree with Christof here - even if the problem isn't
> occurring any more, the patch should still be applied, since it would
> prevent a whole class of possible bugs where the pickle file was
> corrupted.
> Is there some reason for not applying the patch, besides  the obvious
> reason that it would be a change to the code?
> --
> Add/Remove programs crashed on Feisty

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"
-- The Beatles, "The End"

Add/Remove programs crashed on Feisty

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