I'm seeing identical problems.

Here its affecting two Sony Vaios: PCG-SRX41 and PCG-SRX51 (only
difference is CPU clock and RAM) which are equivalent to the SRX99.

They have the Intel 82815 CGC rev 11 chipset with a native 1024x768

This is the default Edgy 6.10 (2.6.17-10) kernel install.

The GRUB splash image loads without a problem. The issue seems to be
when the kernel is loading there is no graphical framebuffer.

Display is limited to a central rectangle of the screen and when the
usplash screen displays all we see is vertical bands of white blocks
that flicker (obviously as the splash screen progress indicator moves
along the interpretation of the video memory in text mode causes the

When booting no graphical framebuffer appears to have been loaded.
Neither vesafb nor i810fb load even when the GRUB boot command-line is
edited to include:


(I've tried many different versions of those lines for differing
resolutions, etc., as per the vesafb.txt and intel810.txt documenation).

The notebook will only offer TEXT modes.

Any use of "vga=xxx" where xxx represents a vaild graphics setting
results in "You passed an undefined mode number" and offering of the
text modes 0xF00-0xF07 (80x25 to 80x60)

>From what I've read it appears that the initrd should contain the FB
drivers because it is built with the "most" option by default.

After Gnome has started, running "usplash -c" from an xterm brings up
the splash screen perfectly on tty7.

Is there a way to log or check what is going in with initrd ?

[Edgy] 5 white blinking stripes when booting on i810 laptop

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