OK, here is a recipe to see this problem.  I hope all the
steps are here!

(0) Install drbd8-utils and heartbeat.
(1) Create a fake disk
dd if=/dev/zero of=drbd_disk count=1M bs=1
losetup /dev/loop0 ./drbd_disk
(2) Create /etc/drbd.conf.  I used:

global {
  usage-count yes;
common {
  protocol C;
resource r0 {
  device        /dev/drbd0;
  meta-disk internal;

  on maisy {
    disk        /dev/loop0;
  on hazy {
    disk        /dev/loop0;

(3) Create the drbd disk:
drbdadm create-md r0
modprobe drbd
drbdadm attach r0
drbdadm syncer r0
drbdadm connect r0
mkfs.ext3 /dev/drbd0

(4) Turned off drbd: /etc/init.d/drbd stop 
Stopped the drbd init script from running at startup (to avoid clashes
with heartbeat):
update-rc.d -f drbd remove

(5) Created /etc/ha.d/ha.cf, contents:

autojoin none
mcast eth2 694 1 0
warntime 5
deadtime 15
initdead 60
keepalive 2
node maisy
node hazy
crm yes

(6) Created an appropriate /etc/ha.d/authkeys file.

(7) Set up resources and constraints:

cibadmin -o resources -C -x resources.xml
cibadmin -o constraints -C -x constraints.xml

where these files contain:

  <master_slave id="ms_drbd_files">
    <meta_attributes id="ms_drbd_files-meta_attributes">
        <nvpair name="notify" value="yes" 
        <nvpair name="globally_unique" value="false" 
    <primitive id="drbd_files" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="drbd">
      <instance_attributes id="ms_drbd_files-instance_attributes">
          <nvpair name="drbd_resource" value="r0" 
        <op id="ms_drbd_files-monitor-master" name="monitor" interval="29s" 
timeout="10s" role="Master"/>
        <op id="ms_drbd_files-monitor-slave" name="monitor" interval="30s" 
timeout="10s" role="Slave"/>
  <group id="rg_files">
    <primitive class="ocf" type="Filesystem" provider="heartbeat" 
      <instance_attributes id="mount_data-instance_attributes">
          <nvpair name="device" value="/dev/drbd0" id="mount_data-device"/>
          <nvpair name="directory" value="/mnt" id="mount_data-directory"/>
          <nvpair name="fstype" value="ext3" id="mount_data-fstype"/>


  <rsc_order id="files_after_drbd" from="rg_files" action="start" 
to="ms_drbd_files" to_action="promote" type="after"/>
  <rsc_colocation id="files_on_drbd" to="ms_drbd_files" to_role="master" 
from="rg_files" score="infinity"/>

(8) Started heartbeat: /etc/init.d/heartbeat start

(9) Observed the following failure in the system logs:

May  4 15:09:11 maisy lrmd: [4150]: info: RA output: 
May  4 15:09:11 maisy drbd[4491]: [4549]: DEBUG: r0 start: Module loaded.
May  4 15:09:11 maisy drbd[4491]: [4551]: DEBUG: r0: Calling drbdadm -c 
/etc/drbd.conf state r0
May  4 15:09:11 maisy lrmd: [4150]: info: RA output: 
(drbd_files:0:start:stderr) local: 586: state': bad variable name 
May  4 15:09:11 maisy drbd[4491]: [4558]: ERROR: r0: Called drbdadm -c 
/etc/drbd.conf state r0
May  4 15:09:11 maisy drbd[4491]: [4559]: ERROR: r0: Exit code 2

(10) Modified /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/drbd to use "role"
rather than "state".

(11) Restarted heartbeat: /etc/init.d/heartbeat restart

(12) Observed that there is no longer such an error in the system logs:

May  4 15:28:06 maisy drbd[6359]: [6370]: DEBUG: r0: Calling drbdadm -c 
/etc/drbd.conf role r0
May  4 15:28:06 maisy drbd[6359]: [6377]: DEBUG: r0: Exit code 0
May  4 15:28:06 maisy drbd[6359]: [6378]: DEBUG: r0: Command output: 

heartbeat incompatible with drbd8-utils in jaunty
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