I can confirm this bug on Kubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft.
Before installing mine configuration was this:

hda: primary device. Windows is installed here, with Windows bootloader in the 
hdb: secondary device. Empty.

I wanted to install Kubuntu on hdb and grub in the MBR of hdb,
maintaining Windows bootloader untouched in hda MBR. My choice will be
to select hdb as first booting device in the bios settings.

So, I proceeded and installed Kubuntu on hdb. When I was asked about
where installing grub I choose MBR of hd1 (the preselected choice was
MBR of hd0). Installation was successful and done exactly as I asked,
but after rebooting I had to change all the occurrences of hd0 to hd1
(and hd1 to hd0) in menu.lst

Installation to second disk confuses drive numbering

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