My touchpad and mouse re-work after add this: ###TEST#### rmmod psmouse sleep 1 modprobe psmouse ####TEST###
into /etc/rc1.d/K20gpm [code] gpm_start () { log_begin_msg "Starting mouse interface server: gpm" # HACK - kernel module init is asynchronous in kernel 2.6, EVEN FROM # REQUEST_MODULE(). That would include 'mousedev'. The correct # solution is a hotplug script, but we cannot depend on hotplug being # available just yet, either kernel-side or user-side. ###TEST#### rmmod psmouse sleep 1 modprobe psmouse ####TEST### for foo in 1 2 3; do if :< ${device-/dev/mouse}; then break; fi sleep 1 done eval start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --nicelevel $niceness --exec $GPM \ -- $cmdln || { echo " start failed."; return 1; } log_end_msg 0 return 0 } [/code] but i have still the gnome-power-manager problem and, too, the powernowd problem yet after resume hibernate.... I don't know how to resolv this but hibernate is very important for me. Thanks yet... -- Core2Duo powerstepping doesn't work -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list