I also have random hangups.
PC: p4 830 (dual core, 2mb, 64bit)
4gb Kingston ECC (tested several times for problems, also it is the replacement 
of old TwinMos not-ecc RAM)
Asus P5WD2 Premium Mb
2xMaxtor SATA
1xDVDRW Asus.

The errors apear from the early begining of the server, first was CentOS 4.3 
distro installed, that crashed without any error message. Then i got to fedora 
core, same (crasehd 2 times a day), then i got to Ubuntu 6.06LTS, same thing 
happen, but with a nice kernel panic message at the end (i cannot find any 
clear message in the logs). It ends with a kernel panic message, and random 
info (the info vary each time, some times it say it is a apache2 problem, other 
times i get the notsyncing and so).
Till now, i have replaced (or tested with replacements) for all the hardware 
Right now my only ASSUMPTION is that there is a conflict/bug into kernel 2.6.15 
(this was used most of the times). If i go older kernel i lost a lot of 
functionlity required for my server. So the only hope is that some of kernel 
experts from here can have a look.

Right now I have it working for about few days (2-7).

Random hangups

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