On Sun, Jan 07, 2007 at 10:23:57PM -0000, Xavier Claessens wrote:
> Thanks, here is the message I expected:
> Telepathy: Connection destroyed, CM crashed ?

It could be that there are 2 separate issues here. When i first start
Gossip it logs in to the jabber server, then it disconnects and after a
while it reconnects. I found it a bit annoying, but never got around to
file a bug about it.

> can you please run:
> $ GABBLE_DEBUG=all telepathy-gabble
> then start gossip and post here the output of gabble, and if it crash
> like I expect please provide a backtrace by running gabble into gdb.

I'll do that tonight, hopefully it spits out some useful info ;)

> Sorry to ask so many information ;-)

No problem, as long as we get closer to resolving the issue.. Gossip has
gone a long way since i last used it and it's well worth the trouble.

- s

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Semi consistent segfault during startup

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