"The overwhelming majority of Ubuntu users would almost never notice
application installs running faster? I am serious. There are packages
that take over a minute for post-install dpkg configuration, and dash
speeds them up a LOT. It's the difference in spending 10 minutes or 30
minutes on dist-upgrade (or I guess adept probably just does upgrade)."

Exactly. You know these scripts work with dash and you want them to use
dash - so explicitly begin them with #!/bin/dash so that they do this.
You also know that many scripts depend on /bin/sh -> /bin/bash - so
leave it that way. I feel that this would be a good compromise between
the speed of official Ubuntu scripts, and allowing 3rd party scripts to

If someone goes "Hey, I'm sick of bash taking forever and want my scripts to 
run faster at the risk some not working", then there's nothing stopping them 
from switching their symlinks. I honestly ask you, which is better:
- a minority of power users deciding to set their default to dash, or
- a majority of "normal users" spending many hours trying to determine the 
problem and having to work out how to reset to bash

Also, can this bug be changed from "wishlist" as I feel that it's more
important than that (seeing as it affects so many other scripts).

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

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