I know that we are just finishing the end-of-2006 holidays, but seeing
no confirmation that this bug report has been read 17 days after the
Mozilla Corporation release of a security fix is discouraging.

I would like to offer Ubuntu / Kubuntu to computer-naive friends and
relatives, but half the point is to help the friends and relatives
escape the security holes of other operating systems. These are people
who would need updates that they could download and install without
Information Technology skills and without my help.

If Ubuntu can't keep up with security updates to the Ubuntu-customized
version, would it make sense to (1) do without the customizations
entirely or (2) offer an additional Firefox package that omits those
customizations for people who would go without additional features in
order to obtain more rapid security updates?

For readers who can't or won't wait: Daniel Robitaille's instructions
for manual installation of Mozilla.org's package of Firefox are
available at http://robitaille.wordpress.com/2006/12/29/how-to-install-
firefox-from-mozillaorg-via-the-command-line-in-ubuntu/ .

** CVE added: http://www.cve.mitre.org/cgi-

** CVE added: http://www.cve.mitre.org/cgi-

Firefox still missing in Dapper

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