.. Possible response / ideea for solution. Status - Critical. Resolution - we must do something ..
Original (in romanian - from http://linux.hangar.ro/node/339 ): "..Am primit de curand o intrebare de la un "coleg de retea" care suna cam asa Da ce pe linux poti sa asculti muzica?.Am ramas uimit si totodata exista si ceva adevar...remarc o lipsa a siturilor care sa se adreseze mai mult partii de Desktop a sistemelor Linux. Consider ca asta este cel mai mare impediment in propagarea sistemelor Linux la noi in tara.Atat timp cat pe marea majoritate a siturilor despre Linux gasim numai tutoriale legate de "shell, scripts, console, mount points, shell scripting, iptables..etc " (intelegeti unde bat..) cu siguranta utilizatorul de 12-18 ani nu va intelege care ar fi "necesitatea unei distributii Linux". Consider ca ar trebui scoasa in evidenta mai mult partea Desktop decat cea de Server a sistemelor Linux. ..." Translation : ----------------------------- Recently, I received a question from a "network coworker " on this form : - but in wich Linux I can hear music ?. I was shocked ..and I must recognize how much truth I discovered here... I can remark a big loss regarding linux websites targeting on Desktop part of Linux. I consider this is the big bug on Linux propagation on our country ( and in world .NA ). As time as majority of linux on-line revues post only tutorials about "shell, scripts, console, mount points, shell scripting, iptables..etc " ( U know what I mean ... ) potentially new user with age between 12 to 18, certainly will not understand Linux role. " I consider that Desktop part of Linux should see the light on the same manner as Server side, if not more. -------------------------------- No comment. This is a point of view taken from Linux Hangar. So, to eliminate bug nr. 1, we dont need to destroy Bill Empire - Is not enough - but we must speak about us. Not anyhow - using a clean / clear language for all. Indeed > I wich Linux I can hear music ? -- Microsoft has a majority market share https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugs