Pros: Gaim would no longer store plaintext passwords in

Cons: Exactly what Sebastien said, it adds extra dependencies and forces
people to enter their keyring password when running Gaim.

It would definitely have to be an optional feature, since Gaim is not a
Gnome application, and that complicates things some.  I'm not very
familiar with the Gnome keyring daemon... but what would happen if the
keyring daemon isn't running?  The patch would need to make sure that
Gaim falls back to doing something sensible, and possibly even warning
the user.  I'm particularly concerned about the case where someone
switches between Gnome and non-Gnome.

I'm not opposed to adding support for this, and it sounds like other
Gaim developers would be ok with it if it were done REALLY well, but the
discussion on the gaim-devel mailing list about it was too short to
really draw a concensus.

gaim should use gnome-keyring for passwords

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