I asked Scott about this privately. He said the following: <Keybuk> it's nobody's fault <Keybuk> that's just the way UNIX works (tm) <Keybuk> output from initscripts goes to whatever /dev/console is at the point the runlevel is changed <Keybuk> if you shutdown from gdm, /dev/console will be tty7
I went on to ask him: <kiko> Keybuk, wow, that's interesting. could we artificially switch back from gdm to /dev/tty1 (where we boot up) when we start the shut down process? To which he replied: <Keybuk> kiko: what would be the purpose? <Keybuk> does it particularly matter which is the active VT when shutting down? --- danilo is now known as danilo-out <Keybuk> (not wishing to trivialise your concerns here, but it'd be a very difficult and invasive change to force the active VT to be tty1 at the point of runlevel change; would appear "ugly" for usplash users (they'd get a glimpse of a getty). etc. -- I'd like to know what problem the "unusual" VT is causing before I consider it. at the moment it's purely an oddity that the VT during shutdown from gdm is 7, not 1) And then added: <Keybuk> we don't actually have shutdown messages at all in edgy or feisty anyway <Keybuk> so it's probably rejected for that alone :p Me, not being one to leave a bug unclosed, promptly did so. Please reopen if you feel you have not been served justly! ** Changed in: Ubuntu Status: Needs Info => Rejected -- When using powerbutton to shutdown, output goes to wrong tty https://launchpad.net/bugs/18637 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugs