There's nothing special in my /etc/fstab file.  Here's the relevant

/dev/hdd        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0

And in addition, other DVDs and CDs don't have this problem.  Just that
one that I burned on a Mac.

So, basically, the Mac put the wrong permissions on all of the files on
the DVD.

Don't dismiss this, however, as "just a bad disc."  It makes absolutely
no sense to burn a CDROM with permissions so that you can't read the
files, and so therefore, it makes no sense to mount one that way.  This
absurd situation is one that should be worked around via, perhaps, mount
options (which don't seem to exist).

In other words, the OS should not allow stupid but preventable things to
happen, evne when it's not technically the OS's fault.  Aside from,
perhaps, the execute flag, all other permissions flags on CDROMs are
meaningless and should therefore be treated that way (ignored).

Insert CD -- mounts with all file permissions -rwx------

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