> 1) In Details view, when search (Ctrl+F), some drag and drop icons are

I don't understand. What do you mean?

> 2) In List View, possibility to restrict search to list view fields.
(actually only search in all fields).

You can enter search criteria in the fields in the list view, just as
you can in the details view.

> 3) Possibility to Save a Search (name a search, filter name). Sometimes a 
> search is done very 
> often, for example to filter records of a specific year.

That's a good idea. I filed an enhancement bug for it:

> Or the possibility to create, save with a name, edit and select more
List Views.

I don't see what that has to do with searching, but I'd generally prefer
to keep things simple. Please file a bug in bugzilla.gnome.org if that's
important to you, particularly if you can give a real-life example of
where it would be useful.

> 4) Conditional Search. Show all records in a specific field, with the 
> condition (equal, bigger, smaller, 
> not equal, contains, etc), of a value: Search in "YEAR" field, all the 
> records ">" than "2005"

Yes. We need a way to do more complex searches:

Note also:

> 5) Possibility to have more filter criteria: Search in "YEAR" field,
all the records ">" than "2005" AND/OR search in "NAME" field, all
records "=" "Maximiliano"

For OR, yes:

For AND, you can already add criteria in a second field. I'm pretty sure
that ANDs rather than ORs.

Glom 1.8.3 Filter data in List view
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