Now I've kdelibs-dbg installed I get

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xb7952c79 in malloc_consolidate () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
(gdb) bt full
#0  0xb7952c79 in malloc_consolidate () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
No symbol table info available.
#1  0xb7954a2d in _int_malloc () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
No symbol table info available.
#2  0xb7956865 in malloc () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
No symbol table info available.
#3  0xb7448d26 in QGArray (this=0xbfe1a838, size=595) at tools/qgarray.cpp:149
No locals.
#4  0xb7439e3c in QCString (this=0xbfe1a838, size=595) at tools/qmemarray.h:62
No locals.
#5  0xb749c4ac in QUtf8Codec::fromUnicode (this=0x8f52360, u...@0xbfe1a844, 
lenino...@0xbfe1a840) at codecs/qutfcodec.cpp:56
        rstr = {<QMemArray<char>> = {<QGArray> = {_vptr.QGArray = 0xbfe1a838, 
shd = 0x8f52360}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}
        l = 198
        cursor = <value optimized out>
        ch = <value optimized out>
#6  0xb7495fda in QTextStatelessEncoder::fromUnicode (this=0x97b98a0, 
u...@0xbfe1a844, lenino...@0xbfe1a840) at codecs/qtextcodec.cpp:187
No locals.
#7  0xb7485c35 in QTextStream::writeBlock (this=0xbfe1a900, p=0x94bdf38, 
len=198) at tools/qtextstream.cpp:1105
        s = {<QString> = {static null = {static null = <same as static member 
of an already seen type>, d = 0x8f440c0, static shared_null = 0x8f440c0}, 
    d = 0x915df20, static shared_null = 0x8f440c0}, <No data fields>}
        l = 198
        block = {<QMemArray<char>> = {<QGArray> = {_vptr.QGArray = 0xb75e93c0, 
shd = 0x96c7fa0}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}
#8  0xb74892fd in QTextStream::operator<< (this=0xbfe1a900, s...@0x94bdec8) at 
        s1 = {static null = {static null = <same as static member of an already 
seen type>, d = 0x8f440c0, static shared_null = 0x8f440c0}, d = 0x94be140, 
  static shared_null = 0x8f440c0}
#9  0xb5bbbb18 in KateBuffer::saveFile (this=0x94041c8, m_fi...@0x9403f08) at 
        textline = {ptr = 0x94bdec0}
        i = 607
        file = {<QIODevice> = {_vptr.QIODevice = 0xb75e9368, ioIndex = 24449, 
ioMode = 4354, ioSt = 0}, fn = {static null = {
      static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, d = 
0x8f440c0, static shared_null = 0x8f440c0}, d = 0x9203040, 
    static shared_null = 0x8f440c0}, fh = 0x97ba350, fd = 0, length = 24449, 
ext_f = false, d = 0x974a1c0, 
  ungetchBuffer = {<QMemArray<char>> = {<QGArray> = {_vptr.QGArray = 0x8268548, 
shd = 0x97167e8}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}}
        stream = {_vptr.QTextStream = 0xb75e9900, static basefield = 240, 
static adjustfield = 14, static floatfield = 12288, dev = 0xbfe1a930, fflags = 
  fwidth = 0, fillchar = 32, fprec = 6, doUnicodeHeader = false, owndev = 
false, mapper = 0x8f52360, d = 0x976bb90, unused1 = {static null = {
      static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, static 
replacement = {static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
        static replacement = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
static byteOrderMark = {
          static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, static 
replacement = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
          static byteOrderMark = <same as static member of an already seen 
type>, static byteOrderSwapped = {
            static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
static replacement = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
            static byteOrderMark = <same as static member of an already seen 
            static byteOrderSwapped = <same as static member of an already seen 
type>, static nbsp = {
              static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
static replacement = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
              static byteOrderMark = <same as static member of an already seen 
              static byteOrderSwapped = <same as static member of an already 
seen type>, static nbsp = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
              ucs = 160}, ucs = 65534}, static nbsp = <same as static member of 
an already seen type>, ucs = 65279}, 
        static byteOrderSwapped = <same as static member of an already seen 
type>, static nbsp = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
        ucs = 65533}, static byteOrderMark = <same as static member of an 
already seen type>, 
      static byteOrderSwapped = <same as static member of an already seen 
type>, static nbsp = <same as static member of an already seen type>, ucs = 0}, 
    static replacement = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
static byteOrderMark = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
    static byteOrderSwapped = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
static nbsp = <same as static member of an already seen type>, ucs = 0}, 
  latin1 = false, internalOrder = true, networkOrder = false, unused2 = 
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        codec = <value optimized out>
        eol = {static null = {static null = <same as static member of an 
already seen type>, d = 0x8f440c0, static shared_null = 0x8f440c0}, d = 
  static shared_null = 0x8f440c0}
#10 0xb5bef284 in KateDocument::saveFile (this=0x9403ea0) at 
        success = <value optimized out>
#11 0xb78caab8 in KParts::ReadWritePart::save (this=0x9403ea0) at 
No locals.
#12 0xb5b6392a in KateDocument::save (this=0x9403ea0) at 
        l = 192
#13 0xb5b3bdb5 in KateView::save (this=0x965fb40) at 
No locals.
#14 0x081d036a in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#15 0x081d1cb9 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#16 0xb717838a in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x967abe8, clist=0x967ae40, 
o=0xbfe1af04) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2359
        object = (class QObject *) 0x97bc320
        sol = (QSenderObjectList *) 0xbfe1adc4
        oldSender = (class QObject *) 0x8ff7e68
        c = <value optimized out>
#17 0xb717a8ab in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x967abe8, signal=2) at 
        clist = (QConnectionList *) 0xc0000000
        o = {{type = 0x8268350, payload = {b = false, c = 0 '\0', s = 0, i = 0, 
l = 0, uc = 0 '\0', us = 0, ui = 0, ul = 0, f = 0, 
      d = -1.141049313530412e-40, byte = "\000\000\000\...@᣷\002\000\000\000 
G[\t", bytearray = {data = 0x0, size = 3080970560}, ptr = 0x0, voidstar = {
        ptr = 0x0, owner = 64}, charstar = {ptr = 0x0, owner = 64}, utf8 = {ptr 
= 0x0, owner = 64}, local8bit = {ptr = 0x0, owner = 64}, iface = 0x0, 
      idisp = 0x0}}}
#18 0xb699e739 in KAction::activated (this=0x967abe8) at ./kaction.moc:176
No locals.
#19 0xb69e9210 in KAction::slotActivated (this=0x967abe8) at 
        senderObj = <value optimized out>
#20 0xb6a968eb in KAction::qt_invoke (this=0x967abe8, _id=15, _o=0xbfe1aff4) at 
No locals.
#21 0xb717838a in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x96a5018, clist=0x9718f78, 
o=0xbfe1aff4) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2359
        object = (class QObject *) 0x97bc320
        sol = (QSenderObjectList *) 0x96cc9d8
        oldSender = (class QObject *) 0x0
        c = <value optimized out>
#22 0xb717a8ab in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x96a5018, signal=2) at 
        clist = (QConnectionList *) 0xc0000000
        o = {{type = 0x8268350, payload = {b = 15, c = 15 '\017', s = 15, i = 
15, l = 15, uc = 15 '\017', us = 15, ui = 15, ul = 15, f = 2.1019477e-44, 
      d = -3.6789964770888744e-45, byte = 
"\017\000\000\000�\000��\000\000\000\000�\n��", bytearray = {data = 0xf 
<Address 0xf out of bounds>, 
        size = 3065315548}, ptr = 0xf, voidstar = {ptr = 0xf, owner = 220}, 
charstar = {ptr = 0xf <Address 0xf out of bounds>, owner = 220}, utf8 = {
        ptr = 0xf <Address 0xf out of bounds>, owner = 220}, local8bit = {ptr = 
0xf <Address 0xf out of bounds>, owner = 220}, iface = 0xf, idisp = 0xf}}}
#23 0xb76c6559 in KAccelPrivate::menuItemActivated (this=0x96a5018) at 
No locals.
#24 0xb76eb197 in KAccelPrivate::emitActivatedSignal (this=0x96a5018, 
pAction=0x96d9540) at /build/buildd/kdelibs-3.5.10/./kdecore/kaccel.cpp:403
        reg = {eng = 0x948e2a0, priv = 0x97b9b18}
#25 0xb77c3160 in KAccelPrivate::eventFilter (this=0x96a5018, 
pEvent=0xbfe1b40c) at /build/buildd/kdelibs-3.5.10/./kdecore/kaccel.cpp:373
        pAction = <value optimized out>
        nID = -319
        key = {m_sym = 115, m_mod = 2}
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        keyCodeQt = 4194387
#26 0xb7178443 in QObject::activate_filters (this=0x8ff4e80, e=0xbfe1b40c) at 
        it = {<QPtrListIterator<QObject>> = {<QGListIterator> = {list = 
0x8ff2fb8, curNode = 0x96e5680}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}
        obj = (class QObject *) 0x96a5018
#27 0xb71784ab in QObject::event (this=0x8ff4e80, e=0xbfe1b40c) at 
No locals.
#28 0xb71b26ec in QWidget::event (this=0x8ff4e80, e=0xbfe1b40c) at 
No locals.
#29 0xb7272e02 in QMainWindow::event (this=0x8ff4e80, e=0xbfe1b40c) at 
No locals.
#30 0xb71134f5 in QApplication::internalNotify (this=0xbfe1b968, 
receiver=0x8ff4e80, e=0xbfe1b40c) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2638
        consumed = <value optimized out>
#31 0xb7114eb7 in QApplication::notify (this=0xbfe1b968, receiver=0x960b348, 
e=0xbfe1b40c) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2395
        w = (class QWidget *) 0x8ff4e80
        res = false
#32 0xb77ba8a2 in KApplication::notify (this=0xbfe1b968, receiver=0x960b348, 
    at /build/buildd/kdelibs-3.5.10/./kdecore/kapplication.cpp:550
        t = AccelOverride
        _selectAll = (const KShortcut &) @0xb7862fec: {m_nSeqs = 1, m_rgseq = 
{{m_nKeys = 1 '\001', m_bTriggerOnRelease = 0 '\0', m_rgvar = {{m_sym = 97, 
          m_mod = 2}, {m_sym = 0, m_mod = 0}, {m_sym = 0, m_mod = 0}, {m_sym = 
0, m_mod = 0}}, d = 0x0}, {m_nKeys = 0 '\0', m_bTriggerOnRelease = 0 '\0', 
      m_rgvar = {{m_sym = 0, m_mod = 0}, {m_sym = 0, m_mod = 0}, {m_sym = 0, 
m_mod = 0}, {m_sym = 0, m_mod = 0}}, d = 0x0}}, d = 0x0}
        ic = (class QPixmap *) 0x9004530
#33 0xb76dc997 in KAccelEventHandler::x11Event (this=0x8ff77c8, 
pEvent=0xbfe1b758) at /usr/share/qt3/include/qapplication.h:523
        tmp = <value optimized out>
        key = {m_sym = 115, m_mod = 2}
        keyCodeQt = 4194387
        state = <value optimized out>
        ke = {<QEvent> = {<Qt> = {static color0 = @0xb760ac00, static color1 = 
@0xb760ac08, static black = @0xb760ac10, static white = @0xb760ac18, 
      static darkGray = @0xb760ac20, static gray = @0xb760ac28, static 
lightGray = @0xb760ac30, static red = @0xb760ac38, static green = @0xb760ac40, 
      static blue = @0xb760ac48, static cyan = @0xb760ac50, static magenta = 
@0xb760ac58, static yellow = @0xb760ac60, static darkRed = @0xb760ac68, 
      static darkGreen = @0xb760ac70, static darkBlue = @0xb760ac78, static 
darkCyan = @0xb760ac80, static darkMagenta = @0xb760ac88, 
      static darkYellow = @0xb760ac90, static arrowCursor = @0xb7609380, static 
upArrowCursor = @0xb7609384, static crossCursor = @0xb7609388, 
      static waitCursor = @0xb760938c, static ibeamCursor = @0xb7609390, static 
sizeVerCursor = @0xb7609394, static sizeHorCursor = @0xb7609398, 
      static sizeBDiagCursor = @0xb760939c, static sizeFDiagCursor = 
@0xb76093a0, static sizeAllCursor = @0xb76093a4, static blankCursor = 
      static splitVCursor = @0xb76093ac, static splitHCursor = @0xb76093b0, 
static pointingHandCursor = @0xb76093b4, static forbiddenCursor = @0xb76093b8, 
      static whatsThisCursor = @0xb76093bc, static busyCursor = @0xb76093c0}, 
_vptr.QEvent = 0xb7efa100, t = QEvent::AccelOverride, posted = 0, spont = 0}, 
  txt = {static null = {static null = <same as static member of an already seen 
type>, d = 0x8f440c0, static shared_null = 0x8f440c0}, d = 0x8f440c0, 
    static shared_null = 0x8f440c0}, k = 83, s = 512, a = 0 '\0', accpt = 0, 
autor = 0, c = 1}
        keyNative = {m_code = 39, m_mod = 20, m_sym = 115, d = 0xb7a3e140}
#34 0xb77bfc9b in KApplication::x11EventFilter (this=0xbfe1b968, 
_event=0xbfe1b758) at 
        w = <value optimized out>
#35 0xb7099690 in qt_x11EventFilter (ev=0xbfe1b758) at 
No locals.
#36 0xb70a872c in QApplication::x11ProcessEvent (this=0xbfe1b968, 
event=0xbfe1b758) at kernel/qapplication_x11.cpp:3389
        widget = (struct QETWidget *) 0x960b348
        keywidget = (struct QETWidget *) 0x960b348
        grabbed = false
#37 0xb70bd894 in QEventLoop::processEvents (this=0x8f84038, flags=<value 
optimized out>) at kernel/qeventloop_x11.cpp:195
        event = {type = 2, xany = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, 
display = 0x8f599e8, window = 77601077}, xkey = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, 
    send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, window = 77601077, root = 126, 
subwindow = 0, time = 11778253, x = 58, y = 403, x_root = 352, y_root = 570, 
    state = 20, keycode = 39, same_screen = 1}, xbutton = {type = 2, serial = 
4271007, send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, window = 77601077, root = 126, 
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    subwindow = 0, time = 11778253, x = 58, y = 403, x_root = 352, y_root = 
570, state = 20, button = 39, same_screen = 1}, xmotion = {type = 2, 
    serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, window = 77601077, 
root = 126, subwindow = 0, time = 11778253, x = 58, y = 403, x_root = 352, 
    y_root = 570, state = 20, is_hint = 39 '\'', same_screen = 1}, xcrossing = 
{type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, 
    window = 77601077, root = 126, subwindow = 0, time = 11778253, x = 58, y = 
403, x_root = 352, y_root = 570, mode = 20, detail = 39, same_screen = 1, 
    focus = 1, state = 16}, xfocus = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 
0, display = 0x8f599e8, window = 77601077, mode = 126, detail = 0}, 
  xexpose = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, 
window = 77601077, x = 126, y = 0, width = 11778253, height = 58, 
    count = 403}, xgraphicsexpose = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 
0, display = 0x8f599e8, drawable = 77601077, x = 126, y = 0, 
    width = 11778253, height = 58, count = 403, major_code = 352, minor_code = 
570}, xnoexpose = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, 
    display = 0x8f599e8, drawable = 77601077, major_code = 126, minor_code = 
0}, xvisibility = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, 
    display = 0x8f599e8, window = 77601077, state = 126}, xcreatewindow = {type 
= 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, 
    parent = 77601077, window = 126, x = 0, y = 11778253, width = 58, height = 
403, border_width = 352, override_redirect = 570}, xdestroywindow = {
    type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, event = 
77601077, window = 126}, xunmap = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, 
    display = 0x8f599e8, event = 77601077, window = 126, from_configure = 0}, 
xmap = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, 
    event = 77601077, window = 126, override_redirect = 0}, xmaprequest = {type 
= 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, 
    parent = 77601077, window = 126}, xreparent = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, 
send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, event = 77601077, window = 126, 
    parent = 0, x = 11778253, y = 58, override_redirect = 403}, xconfigure = 
{type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, 
    event = 77601077, window = 126, x = 0, y = 11778253, width = 58, height = 
403, border_width = 352, above = 570, override_redirect = 20}, xgravity = {
    type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, event = 
77601077, window = 126, x = 0, y = 11778253}, xresizerequest = {type = 2, 
    serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, window = 77601077, 
width = 126, height = 0}, xconfigurerequest = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, 
    send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, parent = 77601077, window = 126, x = 
0, y = 11778253, width = 58, height = 403, border_width = 352, above = 570, 
    detail = 20, value_mask = 39}, xcirculate = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, 
send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, event = 77601077, window = 126, 
    place = 0}, xcirculaterequest = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 
0, display = 0x8f599e8, parent = 77601077, window = 126, place = 0}, 
  xproperty = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, 
window = 77601077, atom = 126, time = 0, state = 11778253}, 
  xselectionclear = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, display = 
0x8f599e8, window = 77601077, selection = 126, time = 0}, xselectionrequest = {
    type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, owner = 
77601077, requestor = 126, selection = 0, target = 11778253, property = 58, 
    time = 403}, xselection = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, 
display = 0x8f599e8, requestor = 77601077, selection = 126, target = 0, 
    property = 11778253, time = 58}, xcolormap = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, 
send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, window = 77601077, colormap = 126, 
    c_new = 0, state = 11778253}, xclient = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, 
send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, window = 77601077, message_type = 126, 
    format = 0, data = {b = 
"͸�\000:\000\000\000\223\001\000\000`\001\000\000:\002\000", s = {-18227, 179, 
58, 0, 403, 0, 352, 0, 570, 0}, l = {11778253, 
        58, 403, 352, 570}}}, xmapping = {type = 2, serial = 4271007, 
send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, window = 77601077, request = 126, 
    first_keycode = 0, count = 11778253}, xerror = {type = 2, display = 
0x412b9f, resourceid = 0, serial = 150313448, error_code = 53 '5', 
    request_code = 25 '\031', minor_code = 160 '�'}, xkeymap = {type = 2, 
serial = 4271007, send_event = 0, display = 0x8f599e8, window = 77601077, 
    key_vector = 
 pad = {2, 4271007, 0, 
    150313448, 77601077, 126, 0, 11778253, 58, 403, 352, 570, 20, 39, 1, 1, 16, 
2147483647, 2147483647, 2147483647, 2147483647, 2147483647, 2147483647, 
        nevents = 2
        canWait = <value optimized out>
        tm = <value optimized out>
        highest = <value optimized out>
        nsel = <value optimized out>
        zerotm = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}
        t = {0xb75c0876 "Read", 0xb75c0881 "Write", 0xb751524e "Exception"}
#38 0xb712bf00 in QEventLoop::enterLoop (this=0x8f84038) at 
No locals.
#39 0xb712bdc6 in QEventLoop::exec (this=0x8f84038) at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:148
No locals.
#40 0xb7113b8f in QApplication::exec (this=0xbfe1b968) at 
No locals.
#41 0x0812ade8 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#42 0xb78f9685 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
No symbol table info available.
#43 0x0807b601 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.

kile random crash losing data
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