I'm having the same problem.  Ive tried every fix listed here, and Im
using flashplayer 9 from adobe labs.  Ive been trying to get this fixed
for a few days now, because I was in the middle of working on a project
when i switched to ubuntu, and now I can't load it without firefox (and
mozilla, and Galeon, etc.  obviously a flashplayer issue ) crashing.  I
have, however, narrowed down the code that the crash happens ( the only
error the browser gives me is "segmentation fault" ):

basically, I'm using javascript to talk to flash and open up a socket
connection to a service listening for it:

            __checkFlash(); // checks the flashplayer version
            try {
                // boom here.  - of course, nothing is alerted, no exception 
            } catch(e){
            var sent = __flash.GetVariable("__sentinel");
            return sent;

ANY fix for this would be so completely appreciated - currently working
through remote desktop into my windows machine, and needless to say, not
loving it :-)

Flash plugin problem with ARGB visuals causes crash

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