** Description changed: Binary package hint: kopete I'm reporting this for Kubuntu 6.06 KDE 3.5.5 packages. Since today Kopete 0.12.3 can't log in to ICQ anymore. The problem occurs not for all distributions. According to discussions in the kopete irc channel it happens sofar only for Kubuntu and Geentoo, but not Debian SID/FC6. Maybe that changes In the debug log you see following: kutils (KSettings::Dispatcher): [static KSettings::Dispatcher* KSettings::Dispatcher::self()] kutils (KSettings::Dispatcher): [void KSettings::Dispatcher::registerInstance(KInstance*, QObject*, const char*)] kopete kdecore (KNetwork resolver): shouldResInit: /etc/resolv.conf updated kopete (oscar/icq): WARNING: [ICQ::Presence ICQ::OnlineStatusManager::presenceOf(uint)] No presence exists for internal status 99! Returning Offline kopete (oscar/icq): WARNING: [ICQ::Presence ICQ::OnlineStatusManager::presenceOf(uint)] No presence exists for internal status 99! Returning Offline kopete (oscar/icq): WARNING: [ICQ::Presence ICQ::OnlineStatusManager::presenceOf(uint)] No presence exists for internal status 99! Returning Offline kopete (oscar/icq): WARNING: [ICQ::Presence ICQ::OnlineStatusManager::presenceOf(uint)] No presence exists for internal status 99! Returning Offline kopete (oscar/icq): WARNING: [ICQ::Presence ICQ::OnlineStatusManager::presenceOf(uint)] No presence exists for internal status 99! Returning Offline See http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=136566 for more information. + + The StableReleaseUpdates request is in bug 69583.
** Tags removed: verification-needed -- Kopete 0.12.3 can't log in to ICQ anymore https://launchpad.net/bugs/69494 -- kubuntu-bugs mailing list kubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-bugs