Just played with the (OpenSUSE 10.1-based) SLED 10 RC. It works there
because SUSE has changed the default input method from the upstream
Default (which provides the Ctrl-Shift-<Unicode> stuff) to XIM. Side
effect is that Ctrl-Shift-<Unicode> doesn't work in any gtk+ app by

Relevant patch seems to be this:

diff -ru gtk+-2.8.9.orig/modules/input/imxim.c gtk+-2.8.9/modules/input/imxim.c
--- gtk+-2.8.9.orig/modules/input/imxim.c       2004-04-24 11:58:48.000000000 
+++ gtk+-2.8.9/modules/input/imxim.c    2006-01-05 18:15:14.000000000 +0100
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
   N_("X Input Method"),            /* Human readable name */
   GETTEXT_PACKAGE,                /* Translation domain */
   GTK_LOCALEDIR,                  /* Dir for bindtextdomain (not strictly 
needed for "gtk+") */
-  "ko:ja:th:zh"                           /* Languages for which this module 
is the default */
+  "*"                     /* Languages for which this module is the default */
 static const GtkIMContextInfo *info_list[] = {

We could probably change the input method for openoffice.org-gtk
(without a gtk patch), by setting GTK_IMMODULE (to xim?) during OOo's
start (if it wasn't set by the user).

OOo2 Gnome Integration Package breaks some hotkeys

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