The sudo timestamp problem happened to me on a freshly installed Edgy
(xubuntu), without my ever actively resetting the clock at any time.
Like kko, I had a lockup (bug 41340), pulled the power plug, then
rebooted, which may be what somehow caused the timestamp difference.

The system clock (as shown by /bin/date) was within a minute or two of
the correct time. I don't know what file's timestamp sudo was checking,
so I can't say whether it was in the future or past.

Curiously, the workaround (found by googling: lots of people are hitting
this on Ubuntu) was to set the date to the future deliberately (using
the gui time/date tool, which apparently doesn't need sudo) then run
sudo -k -- even though it seems like that's exactly what this bug report
says doesn't work.

"sudo -k" fails when timestamp is in the future

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