You may be right in that it is only reproducible with non-US keyboard settings. It would still be nice to have it fixed, as it only affects what - hard to tell if it's a majority or a minority of Kubuntu users? I'd guess at a majority, but I may be wrong. ;-)
FWIW, my X-keyboard layout is the following: $ grep XkbLayout /etc/X11/xorg.conf Option "XkbLayout" "fi" If you want to reproduce this, doing a standard install on a spare machine in an other (possibly any other) language than those you have tested will probably work. It gets more complicated if you actually need to have a non-US keyboard... (I'd guess you don't, though, as you can probably just select the option and then wonder at why some keys produce different output than what's printed on the physical keyboard.) It can of course be tough if you don't know these languages - I very much doubt if I could do an install in Chinese either. ;-) It might be easier to navigate your way through the install with the alternate install CD for all I know, but, well, all I can say is do what works for you. With a "properly" installed system, reproducing this should be easy. Using the create tab icon in the bottom left corner of Konsole, as you have used, should be enough to show the behaviour, and the same with Yakuake. -- Only 1 konsole session with transparency -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list