Similar situation here (ubuntu 6.10 german) and Totem Video Player 2.16.2 and 
GStreamer 0.10.10 und GNOME. 

Small difference: Some wmv's are playing (video+sound), some not (sound only 
with visualization). 
mpegs are playing, also one avi I tried.

http://www.rcbros.com/videos/march2005/test1part1.wmv doesn't work.

The command "gst-launch-0.10 playbin 
Pausiere Leitung ...
FEHLER: Leitung möchte nicht pausiert werden.
FEHLER: Von Element /playbin0/source: Ressource nicht gefunden.
Zusätzliche Debugginginformation:
gstfilesrc.c(975): gst_file_src_start (): /playbin0/source:
No such file "/home/andreas/Desktop/test1part1.wmv"
Setze Pipeline auf NULL...
BEREINIGE Pipeline...

Finally looking for the mentioned gstreamer0.10-pitfdll with "dpkg -l gstream* 
| grep ii"
ii  gstreamer0.10-alsa              0.10.10-1ubuntu1 GStreamer plugin for ALSA
ii  gstreamer0.10-esd               0.10.4-0ubuntu3  GStreamer plugin for ESD
ii  gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg            0.10.1-2ubuntu1  FFmpeg plugin for GStreamer
ii  gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs          0.10.10-1ubuntu1 GStreamer plugin for 
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-base      0.10.10-1ubuntu1 GStreamer plugins from the 
"base" set
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps 0.10.10-1ubuntu1 GStreamer helper programs 
from the "base" se
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-good      0.10.4-0ubuntu3  GStreamer plugins from the 
"good" set
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly      0.10.4-0ubuntu3  GStreamer plugins from the 
"ugly" set
ii  gstreamer0.10-tools             0.10.10-1ubuntu2 Tools for use with 
ii  gstreamer0.10-x                 0.10.10-1ubuntu1 GStreamer plugins for X11 
and Pango
looks as if this file is missing.

What now?

Regards, gkl

Doesn't play wmv movies

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