This happened to me tonight as well - as this was one of the few places
I found information on the problem, and more importantly, found a
'resolution', I felt obliged to share.

uname -a 
Linux $machineName 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Fri Oct 13 hh:mm:ss UTC 2006 i686 

I have Ubuntu Edgy Eft installed on a Dell XPS M1210 laptop and until
today, it was always booted with the hardware WiFi switch turned ON.  As
I was in a place w/o WiFi earlier in the day I had turned this off and
had problems on every subsequent reboot.  After reading most of the way
down this page I rebooted (read 'one finger saluted') the laptop w/ the
hardware switch on - and it worked like a charm.

There seems to be various causes for this - hopefully the dev teams will
give this some attention soon.

No package changes, just booting w/ the hardware switch turned ON was

Hope this helps someone else!

As a P.S. aside - before this problem, and the reboot w/ the hardware
switch on, I had always had to 'sudo ifup eth1' after booting, but this
time I had an IP by the time I had a desktop.  Weird?!  Word.

BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0!

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