I cannot proceed with Dapper (final) installation when I am in the partitioner 
for my SATA harddisk in my Asus.
I have tried 2 harddisks and both will not go pass a few Megs when creating the 

I get the lost page IO error.

I tried it a few times:
- small pations are seeming to work.
- from partiotioner as in rescue mode from console creating INodes fail after 
some time (lets say 13% of 200 Gb)

1st attempt HDisk: Maxtor  200Gb S-ATA
2nd attempt HDisk: Samsung 250Gb S-ATA

Hopefully you can help me with this. I cannot get it working.

Magnus what is the asus Bios update you used?
My Mainboard: P4P8T-SP-ASUS-1007

is a barebone pc

System hang when creating file system during install

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