Manu, your advice to use
Listen 631 is completely wrong, because of a wrong syntax you use. The "Listen" directive *always* needs a colon, with something before and a port number after the colon. You can take any combination of these syntax examples (multiple declarations in one cupsd.conf): Listen Listen Listen [::1]:631 Listen *:631 *However*, no two entries may match the same IP address! Otherwise cupsd will abort starting up and write in error_log "StartListening: Unable to bind socket for address [....] - Address already in use." Alternatively, you can use Port 631 which covers every single interface and address, and is what you probably confused with the "Listen" syntax. (But you can use "Port" not in combination with "Listen", of course). These two variations are exactly equivalent: Listen *:631 Port 631 -- cupsd daemon stop configuring printers -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list