DA_lpn wrote:
> Well since we are on the production release, we can kiss the release
> candidate good bye.  You might as well close it.
RC is gone, but is the bug gone :) (see below)
> Wait.  Better news for the Ubuntu Team.  I had trouble booting again on this
> machine (from the production release) and  I tried the Ubuntu CD memory test
> (not the cd check).  The Ubuntu CD memory test reported several errors.  The
> strange thing is that it passed the BIOS memory test.  But perhaps the
> memory is bad and writes bad bytes to the hard drive which later corrupts
> the HD and will not be able to boot.  This may account for the many problems
> I've been having.  My home AMD64 system has been stable.  I have requested a
> new machine at the office and should have access to it next week.

AFAIK the systems POST memory test checks how much ram and what sort is 
there, not if the ram is ok or not.
If it is bad memory, that could explain your problem.
> My coworker's home system is also old (as the system I was testing on is
> old), so maybe there are memory problems on his side as well, and not on the
> Ubuntu Team's side.
> Regards.

Dapper RC freeze during update

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