*Communicate*. The natural assumption (at least *my* natural assumption)
is that by adding an user, the information I will share with them will
be the *messages I send to them*.

I will also share my online status ("offline", "online", "available",
etc.), but I can choose that status from a very clearly visible chooser
in the main Kopete window.

Any other information buried into nested configuration dialogs is *not*,
in my opinion, a kind of information-sharing that is "natural" of an
instant messenger.

Let's make a comparison: when I choose to register online a product that
I have downloaded or bought, I am certainly *not* expecting it to send
information listing, say, all the programs that I have on my machine or
the contents or the contents of my filesystem --- even though I am
voluntarly enaging in information sharing with the software product's

Default "privacy" settings don't respect privacy

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