Found this address:

there is written:
After reviewing pmount source code, I found this code snippet at policy.c:399:

    fwl = fopen( WHITELIST, "r" );
    if( !fwl )
        return 0;

    if( regcomp( &re, "^[[:space:]]*([a-zA-Z0-9/_+\\-\\.]+)[[:space:]]*(#.*)?$",
        fprintf( stderr, "Internal error: device_whitelisted(): could not
compile regex\n" );
        exit( -1 );


After I delete /etc/pmount.allow, I re-insert USB flash,
and gnome-volume-manager & pmount works properly.

Or, below code should be replaced with it:

  exit(-1); -> fclose(fwl); return 0;

It seems like there are some locale problems. I use Estonian locale,
which passes also utf8 but official codepage is ISO 8859-15. But utf8
does the job also very well.

So - my question is - why is pmount source code still not corrected?! And 
Ubuntu (and other branches) are called "enterprise ready"? Or is it U.S. 
enterprise ready and not other countries?

USB mount failed in Xubuntu 6.06 LTS

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