Mark ...
As a complete linux novice(1st time using it 9 days ago ... and that simply
to download ubuntu under windows and run it ...I am gussing that was the wubi?)
I am sure post# 69 ha the answer to the problem but , of courde, not
having a usb stick, I fell at the 1st hurdle. 99% of
Mark ...
I am sorry if I sounded ungrateful in my last post ... I am not... in fact your
clearly evident expertise is appreciated more than you can know! Gives me some
hope the issue is solvable. The frustrating bit is ... I know you know how to
solve this ... but I can't work it out from your s
Thanx for your comments. I have tried numbers sda0 up to sda9 No joy. With
the addition of the splash and quiet words in the 1st line , there is no more
stuff rushing past the screen anymore but the machine still hangs with the
lights flashing. you can imagine I had to switch of