[Bug 331556] Re: Gnome Compatibility not enabled on upgrade

2009-07-15 Thread nubuntu17
Hi There, I have been using Jaunty Gnome for 5 months and never had any issue with ALT+F2. Last night I did following things after which Alt+F2 stopped working. >> removed gnome-panel using gconf-editor >> played around with stalonetray >> installed and removed KVM >> installed Virtual Box >>

[Bug 18995] Re: [MASTER] "Open With" dialog not user-friendly

2011-05-10 Thread nubuntu17
Okay..its 10th May 2011 and I am running 10.04 Kubuntu on amd64 laptop...been facing this problem lately really half a decade to fix this bug?...really wow. I've been using (K)Ubuntu from intrepid daysand this bug appears all of a sudden and I had to reinstall(like many others) the whole OS