Same trouble. usplash-0.5.31. Jaunty x86_64.
It is not necessary to disable usplash: you may only switch to another
tty when shutting down/rebooting (ctrl+alt+F1, .i.e) and everything go
smooth, computer shuts down/reboots with no errors.
When you don't disable usplash (even in splash=verbose mod
Just wanted to add: this is not Intel graphic chipset problem: openSuSE
works perfectly with it. Changing the kernel 16 -> 11 didn't give the
positive result. Disabling usplash or just switch to tty solves the
Jaunty no poweroff/reboot on halt/reboot
It seems to be usplash issue.
# sudo apt-get remove usplash
remove it in /boot/grub/menu.lst file ('quiet splash' option after
kernel name)
Solves the problem permanently.
Jaunty fails to halt or reboot cleanly
You received this bug notification be
Actual Solution :
1. Make sure you have the initramfs-tools update
2. sudo blkid
3. Check that swap line UUID from /etc/fstab matches swap UUID from step 2, if
not change fstab.
4. Check that the UUID in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume matches the swap
UUID from step 2, if not change resume f