This probably isn't the place to ask, but is there an FAQ anywhere on
how to compile my own sysvinit? I've installed dependancies and found
the source on SVN but it seems to require something more than just
running configure then make.
killall5 fails on more than 16 "-o " parameters
I have the same problem. Running 10.10 32 bit, every shutdown has the
"mount: / is busy" and "unmounting weak filesystem" messages, and every
boot it has to recover the filesystem.
Tried rebooting without GDM running and still get the problem.
My system is pretty much stock, the only thing that
Hi Clint
I've got a seperate /boot and mount an LVM LV at /local
proc/proc procnodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
/dev/mapper/bobvg-rootlv1 / ext4errors=remount-ro 0 1
# boot from either sda1 or sdb1 then pick them up together a
@Gard Spreemann - rebooting from the shell after stopping my desktop
(gdm) doesn't prevent this happening for me. I also tried stopping ssh
before a reboot but still hit the problem.
umountfs doesn't cleanly unmount / on reboot
You received this bug noti