Yes this is one of the fundamental communication breakdowns between the
closed door design team and the external community. Shuttleworth and
the design team want data.. but they haven't communicated what that
means. Why hasn't that happened? Is the team concerned that the
passionate minor
Good, finally some guidance. You shouldn't wait for people to think up
data products on their own, that risks people spinning their wheels
creating "data" that gets discarded because it doesn't meet your
definition and leads to people feeling they are being ignored.
You and the design team
The problem here is that people are talking past each other. What's
primarily missing is a definition and explanation of the data and data
collection methodology that Shuttleworth and the rest of the design team
are interested in seeing collected and will respect as being good enough
to f
Do I believe Shuttleworth is infallible? No. I believe the previous
mistakes made with nautilus spatial are proof enough of that. When he
mistake a mistake in judgement...who's he accountable to for that if not
the entire Ubuntu community? Who certified him an expert designer? He
may be
I make no claim that this particular issue is as important as the
emotion displayed in the discourse would suggest.
It's like when I have a big argument with my wife over something small.
Once the emotions are spent and we rationally talk through why the out-
of-proportion argument happe
I did not make any assumptions about intent or motivations on the behalf
of anyone at Canonical.
What I am saying is that maybe...just maybe the Canonical design team
isn't communicating enough about intent and motivation so that the
external community can see individual changes in context
I don't think you can hold up webpages this long as typical or even moderately
common usage.
Having to scroll all the way to the bottom to see newest comments and to get to
the "Add comment" box in Launchpad is more indicative of a design failure of
the launchpad web interface itself