Rick, can you please show me the commands to cut the printing process
into time measurable pieces ?
My network is rather simple and I achieve high transfert rates between
my elements, moreover printing from windows takes no time.
Documents silently fail to print 9.04
Okay for your explanation, nevertheless my cpu is up to 100% with gs and
sed during all the tries to connect. I took this as a sign that the
processing was not yet terminated.
Regarding my tries :
*supported by the printer
*I never achieved to print anything (even the test page)
*URI after
Is it possible that the ghostscript takes so much time to complete that
the job 18 (see error_log) is removed before competion ?
I need more info to do what you ask me as I have no clue on how to do
it. (LPD or IPP CUPS backend).
I wonder if Rick was able to print the file.
Documents silentl