I don't know, Owsla.
Everything under /media is owned by the default user ("schlodowec").
My home directory is /home/schlodowec
/media/bkp is used for my backup
I copy my files manually and there are no "permission denied" problems.
I use Krusader to copy files from one place to another.
Did it w
Hmm. What does `ls -la /media/bkp/bkps/home/rdiff-backup-data` report?
According to the traceback, rdiff-backup is trying to get information
about the file /media/bkp/bkps/home/rdiff-backup-data/rdiff-backup.tmp.0
but fails with Permission denied. I wonder what the permissions are that
are stoppin
I just use EXT3 on my disks.
2007/7/10, owsla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> What filesystem is /media/bkp/bkps/home running on?
> --
> [apport] rdiff-backup crashed with OSError in setdata()
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/99484
> You received this bug notification because you are a di