Re: [Bug 927282]

2012-08-23 Thread Carl-Georg Madelung
It works now, thank you very mucho. I am so happy again that FireFox work and still is way better than any other browser. Greetings from C-G. Madelung Klostervej 29 8680 Ry Sendt fra talephøn. Den 22/08/2012 09.51 skrev "Alex Mayorga Adame" <>: > *** Bug 682426 has been m

Re: [Bug 927282] Re: Java crash with icedtea plugin and Firefox 10+

2012-07-14 Thread Carl-Georg Madelung
Hey Micah Gersten Thank you for the mails you have sent me. I can tell that as of today, July 14. I again tried FireFox and Iced Tea worked like it used to and I used my homebanking system and it all vent well. I have not done any thing special since I earlier this spring tried to update Iced Tea