This is clearly a bug and not a wish! It used to work and there is no
reason it shouldn't continue to do so. If it can open ear and jar it should
clearly open war as well.
On 10 Nov 2011 22:41, "Francesco Formizzi" wrote:
> Yes, it's a big problem, the only way to open it is rename war file or
Find the attached archive containing screen shots(by Kevin) for your
Steps followed.
1. open the war file by double-clicking
2. error
3. open the file by right-click and choose the archive manager.
4. error
5. change the extension from war to zip then open it.
6. no problem
On Wed
I just right clicked the war and selected the option "Open with Archive
I am attaching a sample war file for your reference.
On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 5:46 PM, Carl Davis
> Hello,
> Can you please provide the steps you to