+++ Steve Langasek [2010-10-05 07:51 -]:
> Wookey,
> This looks good, but the xapt.conf needed for Ubuntu is missing from the
> diff (shows up as an "Only in [...]" file) Can you please attach it?
Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM
+++ Steve Langasek [2010-09-29 18:03 -]:
> Sorry, last comments - saving the best for last... :)
> * xapt: Use /etc/lsb-release to identify Debian/Ubuntu and use correct
> default
> URL and suites, but avoid 9MB lsb-release+python dependency
> However, lsb_release is the defined
+++ Steve Langasek [2010-09-28 18:37 -]:
> Likewise,
> Only in emdebian-crush-2.2.4ubuntu2/buildd: A00pbuilder-cross-hook
> Only in emdebian-crush-2.2.4ubuntu2/buildd: A20-apt-cross-hook
Both those files should be removed. Now that it is clear xapt actually
works, apt-cross is being dr