drink [2012-07-11 2:23 -]:
> I finally just extracted the files "home" and "proc" which belong in that
> directory (both were missing) and then re-ran the apt-get command, which
> did the trick. It would be nice to know why they didn't come back by
> themselves, what would prevent it?
See Deb
I finally just extracted the files "home" and "proc" which belong in that
directory (both were missing) and then re-ran the apt-get command, which
did the trick. It would be nice to know why they didn't come back by
themselves, what would prevent it?
On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 5:29 AM, Martin Espinoza
drink@alexander:/etc/apparmor.d/tunables$ dpkg -L apparmor | grep home
drink@alexander:/etc/apparmor.d/tunables$ ls
alias global home.d multiarch multiarch.d
dpkg says the missing fil
I suppose it's possible I removed that file, but I don't think I did. And
in any case,
drink@alexander:~$ sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew"
--reinstall install apparmor
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly inst
hmm, looks like apparmor? aa-complain is not found or I'd try that step
drink@alexander:~$ cat /tmp/log
+ [ -x /usr/sbin/cupsd ]
+ [ -r /etc/default/cups ]
+ . /etc/default/cups
+ [ yes = yes -a -f /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel -a -f /proc/modules -a
-x /sbin/modprobe ]