Brian Murray wrote:
> Kloudy, without any information about your system there is little we can
> do about your bug report. You could manually collect the information
> out-lined at
The latest fixes that came from the
Aldy Ekosiwi wrote:
> Levi,
> 1) Go into menu toolbar and select "System->Administration->Users&Groups"
> 2) Highlight on your login name and click "Unlock" then enter your login
> password as requested
> 3) Then click Properties. A new window would be opened with several tabs
> 4) Click on "Us
Aldy Ekosiwi wrote:
> Brian,
> Thanx for quick response. Greatly appreciate it.
> Fortunately, I found the fix for my problem.
> Although, my login was a member of the following groups:
> pulse,
> pulse-access
> pulse-rt
> but somehow "Menu-->>System->Administration->Users &
> Groups->Properties
I ran the script and installed python-launchpadlib. I cannot allow the
system to gain information to all my data, including personal data.
Maybe someone else will have this problem and give you full access to
their personal data.
Thanks for trying to help me.
Levi Nigg
Thank you fo