11.04 is not using the classic desktop and this is not a current
priority for us, sorry.
On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 8:34 AM, Rocko wrote:
> Is there a chance this could be fixed before 11.04 is released? I would
> say it is even more important now that 11.04 might be using the
> "classic" desktop.
2011/1/31 Matias Särs <692...@bugs.launchpad.net>:
> In compiz 0.9.2 the popup is painted over the window preview, yes. In
> compiz 0.8 it was painted below. In what way am I supposed to change the
> code to make sure the popups are painted below and on top of the
> preview?
It should be painted b
On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 1:13 PM, Rocko wrote:
> Yes, and Support Plasma Thumbnails/Windows/Blur Effect are all enabled.
> Looking more closely at the image I get with the current versions of
> software, it looks like there is actually a preview displayed but it is
> very, very dark. Is this some
Have you got the kdecompat plugin enabled?
On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 9:52 AM, Rocko wrote:
> I still see this in dockbar 0.42.1-0-ppa0 and compiz
> 1: Running dockbarx-factory.py run-in-
> window doesn't give any debugging output.
> fwiw, opacify doesn't work either