> code, I'm thinking that maybe a checkbox on the autopartitioning page
> for whether you want to trust the installer or exert more fine-grained
> control would be best and easiest to implement.
Until that's done, would you please change the word 'guided' to
'automatic' so that it's clear that
Yes, we've got rid of qtparted in Feisty now and are using a partitioner
based on that used on the alternate install CD. Since Herd 5 I've also
added buttons to the KDE UI (they were already in the GTK UI) so that
it's easier to figure out what to do.
There's an existing bug somewhere about making
Installing herd 5 -
Apparently a change has been made to ubiquity. WHen I select 'manual
partitioning', I now get a disk summary within the ubiquity window, that looks
different from gparted or qtparted.
Since I didn't really want to repartition, I had to poke a bit before I
discovered th